07 July 2012
Automated identification of epidermal keratinocytes in reflectance confocal microscopy
Dan Gareau

Abstract. Keratinocytes in skin epidermis, which have
bright cytoplasmic contrast and dark nuclear contrast in reflectance
confocal microscopy (RCM), were modeled with
a simple error function reflectance profile: erf( ). Fortytwo
example keratinocytes were identified as a training
set which characterized the nuclear size a = 8.6±2.8
μm and reflectance gradient b = 3.6±2.1 μm at the nuclear/
cytoplasmic boundary. These mean a and b parameters
were used to create a rotationally symmetric erf( ) mask
that approximated the mean keratinocyte image. A computer
vision algorithm used an erf( ) mask to scan RCM
images, identifying the coordinates of keratinocytes. Applying
the mask to the confocal data identified the positions
of keratinocytes in the epidermis. This simple model
may be used to noninvasively evaluate keratinocyte populations
as a quantitative morphometric diagnostic in skin
cancer detection and evaluation of dermatological cosmetics.
C2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
[DOI: 10.1117/1.3552639]